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06-June 27, 2011
MONDAY, JUNE 27, 2011

Members Present: Ms. Marteney, Mr. Kilmer, Mr. Tamburrino and Mr. Westlake

Member Absent: Mr. Baroody, Mr. Darrow, Ms. Calarco

Staff Present: Mr. Hicks and Mr. Fusco

Staff Absent: Ms. Jensen
APPLICATION APPROVED: 19 Arch Street, 60 Fleming Street, 52 N. Lewis Street, 31 Orchard Street, 24 Swift Street, 295 Grant Avenue
Mr. Westlake: Good evening, this is a 7-member board and we only have 4 members. In order for your item to be approved you need 4 affirmative. If one member votes no, you cannot come back to this board unless you have significant change in your application. If you wish to table your item, please let us know when you come up for your application to be heard.

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, this is the Zoning Board of Appeals. Tonight we have the following items: 110 Clymer Street , 19 Arch Street,  60 Fleming Street, 52 N. Lewis Street, 31 Orchard Street, 24 Swift Street,  295 Grant Avenue.

If there are no errors, omissions or additions to last month’s minutes of the meeting, the minutes will stand as written.

Thank you.

19 Arch Street. R1A Zoning district. Area variance for fence. Applicant: Helen Kowalski and Kathy Cashin.

Mr. Westlake: Tonight we are going to start with 19 Arch Street. Would you please come to the podium speak clearing into the microphone and state your name and tell us what you would like to do. Remember this a 7-member board there are only 4 of us here. So all 4 of us have to vote yes.

Ms. Cashin: We will go ahead. My name is Kath Cashin; my mother is the owner of 19 Arch Street. What we would like to do is remove the existing privacy fence that is there and put up a new privacy fence and extend the privacy fence a little farther. It is a corner lot and there is absolutely no yard at all except for that corner.

Mr. Westlake: Questions from the board?

Mr. Tamburrino: I saw your property and it is very nice and I see the old fence that is red wood.

Ms. Cashin: My father built that fence.

Mr. Tamburrino: It is very nice. You want to extend it out towards the sidewalk right?

Ms. Cashin: Yes and get more use out of the yard.

Ms. Marteney: And they have that little deck on in the inside too so you really don’t have much yard.

Ms. Cashin: We want to taper it so there is no obstruction to the stop sign there.

Ms. Marteney: There is that one tree on Willard are you going to pretty much match up with that it wasn’t on the map insert.

Ms. Cashin: Yes it will go right up to the tree.

Mr. Kilmer: You said you wanted to taper it so there is no obstruction, I don’t see where that is on here.

Ms. Cashin: There is a stop sign on Arch and Willard and we want to tape the fence so that there is absolutely no obstruction.

Mr. Kilmer: I don’t see that, is it written in your application where you are going to do that?

Ms. Marteney: The map shows it their plans what is there now and what is going to be there.

Mr. Kilmer: Ok.

Mr. Tamburrino: It is on the diagram here but it doesn’t jump out at you.

Mr. Kilmer: You are ok with the 40-foot clear sight that is not an issue here? In other words you are not going to have 2 different heights of your fence?

Ms. Cashin: No.

Mr. Kilmer: Ok. Am I correct Brian that the 40 foot clear sight is not an issue here on the corner?

Mr. Hicks: It doesn’t appear to be an issue.

Mr. Kilmer: Ok, thank you.

Mr. Westlake: Thank you. If you will sit down we will discuss amongst ourselves. Is there any one here wishing to speak for or against this application? Seeing none we will discuss it amongst ourselves.

Ms. Marteney: Certainly can understand wanting more yard. There is so much of the fence on the street side in both directions.

Mr. Tamburrino: I don’t see an issue with this.

Ms. Marteney: There is so much lawn between the sidewalk and street.

Mr. Kilmer: Only issue I had was the 40-foot clear sight and this hand out clears that up.

Mr. Westlake: Do I hear a motion?

Mr. Tamburrino: I would like to make a motion that we grant Helen Kowalski and Kathy Cashin of 19 Arch Street 2 area variances for the replacement of the existing fence at a changed location: 1) area variance of 18 ½ feet for 6 foot high fence in the front yard and 2) area variance of 11 ½ feet for a 6 foot high fence in the secondary front yard (corner lot).

Ms. Marteney: I second that motion.

VOTING IN FAVOR: Ms. Marteney, Mr. Kilmer, Mr. Tamburrino, Mr. Westlake

Mr. Westlake: Your application has been approved, good luck with your project.

60 Fleming Street. R1 Zoning district. Area variance for carport. Applicant: Frank and Charlene Daniels.

Mr. Westlake: 60 Fleming Street. Would you please come to the podium speak clearing into the microphone and state your name and tell us what you would like to do.

Ms. Daniels: Frank and Charlene Daniels, 60 Fleming Street. We would to put a carport on the side of our garage. It will cover the existing blacktop a parking area that is a portion of our driveway.

Mr. Westlake: Any questions from the board?

Ms. Marteney: Very nice packet.

Mr. Tamburrino: You are 60 Fleming Street and you have letters for all of your neighbors which is great but I don’t see anything from 62 or 64 am I wrong there? Did you get letters from 62 and 64? Neighbors on both sides of you.

Mr. Westlake: 64 is here.

Mr. Tamburrino: 64 is here? What about 62 is that there?

Mr. Westlake: They have letters from 52, 55, 59, 63, 66 and 64.

Mr. Tamburrino: 62 is missing.

Ms. Daniels: We have letters from all our immediate neighbors on both sides.

Mr. Tamburrino: Including 62 Fleming?

Mr. Hicks: I believe you have a double lot.

Ms. Daniels: Yes.

Mr. Tamburrino: That is it. Thank you.

Mr. Westlake: Thank you. Any other questions from the board? If you will sit down we will discuss amongst ourselves. Is there any one here wishing to speak for or against this application? Seeing none we will discuss it amongst ourselves.

Mr. Westlake: It is a very good packet.

Ms. Marteney: Since they already have the space there visually it is almost taken. Far enough set back that it is not going to change the character of the neighborhood.

Mr. Tamburrino: Only 2 feet.

Mr. Westlake: Keep their car cool in the summer time. Do I hear a motion?

Ms. Marteney: I would like to make a motion that we grant Frank and Charlene Daniels of 60 Fleming Street an area variance of 2 feet 1 inch of the required 7 foot side yard setback for the construction of a carport.

Mr. Kilmer: I second that motion.

VOTING IN FAVOR: Ms. Marteney, Mr. Kilmer, Mr. Tamburrino, Mr. Westlake

Mr. Westlake: Your application has been approved, good luck with your project.

52 N. Lewis Street. R2 Zoning district. Area variances for above ground pool. Applicant: Jennifer Troyan.

Mr. Westlake: 52 N. Lewis Street. Would you please come to the podium speak clearing into the microphone and state your name and tell us what you would like to do.

Ms. Troyan: Jennifer Troyan, we own 52 N. Lewis Street and we would like to add a pool to our property but the dimensions of our property are very odd. It will be back in the corner and close to the property line and house.

Ms. Marteney: I don’t know where else you would put this pool. You are not putting in a huge pool right?

Ms. Troyan: No 15 x 52 it is a round pool. Next year we hope to put on a deck.

Mr. Tamburrino: I don’t see any letters here from any of your neighbors.

Ms. Marteney: There is no neighbor on one side.

Ms. Troyan: Talked with the landlord next door.

Mr. Westlake: They are notified by the City to be here.

Ms. Troyan: The person directly behind us I don’t think he owns the property any more we talked with the people who own the lot next to us and the people around the corner we talked with them. They all signed the letter.

Mr. Hicks: There should be a letter in your packet signed by neighbors in petition form.

Mr. Westlake: Not in our packet must have gotten left out. Any other questions from the board?

Mr. Troyan: I will circulate this it is the original petition.

Mr. Westlake: While they are looking at this I will ask the question, is there any one wishing to speak for or against this application? Seeing none we will discuss it amongst ourselves and let you know in a few minutes.

Mr. Troyan: Thank you.

Mr. Tamburrino: I drove by and looked at it, it is going to be really tight in there, 3 ½ feet but the neighbors have no objections and there are no safety issues.

Ms. Marteney: No house close just the empty lot.

Mr. Kilmer: I have a question you said next year you plan on putting a deck would that be all the way around the pool or just part of the pool?

Ms. Troyan: Just the road side it is going to be close to the fence won’t be able to build there.

Mr. Kilmer: Ok, so the deck you are talking about would be closest to the house?

Ms. Marteney: The deck that is there now extend that?

Ms. Troyan: Yes and across the front of it. Would not be all the way around the pool.

Mr. Kilmer: My concern was if you wanted to build a deck all the way around the pool being 3 ½ feet from the property line as it is putting a deck all the way around you would be on your neighbor’s property.

Mr. Westlake: They will be back for another building permit so if it doesn’t fit the Code they will be back here next year. They can only do what they applied for this year. Any more questions from the board? Do I hear a motion?

Mr. Tamburrino: I would like to make a motion that we grant Jennifer L. Troyan of 52 N. Lewis Street for the placement of an above ground pool the following variances: 1) area variance of 6 ½ feet from the rear property line, 2) area variance of 6 ½ feet of the required 10 feet from the side property line and 3) area variance of 8 feet from the structure on the enclosed plot plan.

Ms. Marteney: I second the motion.

VOTING IN FAVOR: Ms. Marteney, Mr. Kilmer, Mr. Tamburrino, Mr. Westlake

Mr. Westlake: Your application has been approved, good luck with your project.

31 Orchard Street. R2 Zoning district. Area variance for front yard/off street parking. Applicant: Shirley Tillinghast.

Mr. Westlake: 31 Orchard Street. Please state your name and tell us what you would like to do.

Ms. Tillinghast: Shirley Tillinghast, 1 Orchard Street, Auburn. I am the only house on the street that doesn’t have a driveway. I have rutted up my lawn and I have medical problems that are creating a problem for me to walk from the street to my porch.

Mr. Westlake: Ok. Any questions from the board?

Ms. Marteney: The parking space will be where you are parking now?

Ms. Tillinghast: Correct on the lawn.

Ms. Marteney: And it goes over about to the rose bushes?

Ms. Tillinghast; Not directly to the top of the rose bushes I think that is the property of the next-door neighbor.

Ms. Marteney: Ok I am just trying to figure out where the space but just about where you park now?

Ms. Tillinghast: Yes.

Ms. Marteney: Ok.

Mr. Kilmer: Brian I have a question – says must have 18 ½ feet from the front edge of the house and she has 11 ½ feet. Can you explain that?

Mr. Hicks: 18 ½ feet in the Code is a parking space a small parking space for a drive in slot. All parking is allowed in the driveway as long as the driveway continues past the front of the house so there is your 18-½ feet. Normally most driveways go to the garage. Parking along side the house without a garage you have to have 18 ½ feet past the front of the house.

Mr. Tamburrino: So basically she has 11 ½ feet she is short the driveway would have to be extended back.

Mr. Hicks: That is the variance she is looking for towards the back yard otherwise it is classified as front yard parking.

Ms. Marteney: Even though it is kind of tucked in the corner.

Mr. Westlake: Kind of a gray area because if there was a garage back there she wouldn’t be here for a variance.

Ms. Marteney: Couldn’t get to the garage.

Mr. Westlake: I know but if it were possible.

Ms. Marteney: Is there a garage or something behind the house?

Ms. Tillinghast; No.

Ms. Marteney: I thought there were some back there.

Ms. Tillinghast: Belong to other property.

Ms. Marteney: You certainly couldn’t drive between and the next person’s house.

Mr. Tamburrino: Are you going to pave it?

Ms. Tillinghast: Yes.

Mr. Westlake: She has estimates here from Spano, Vitale and Upstate.

Ms. Marteney: Even with this 11 ½ back in the car it won’t be sticking over the sidewalk?

Mr. Westlake: Correct I believe.

Mr. Hicks: She will not over hang the sidewalk. There should also be an aerial photo in your packets showing her location.

Mr. Westlake: Like you said where the car is parked right now.

Ms. Marteney: Right.

Mr. Westlake: Thank you. We will discuss amongst ourselves and let you know shortly.

Ms. Tillinghast: Thank you.

Mr. Westlake: Is there anyone wishing to speak for or against this application? Seeing none we will discuss it amongst ourselves and let you know in a few minutes. I don’t see a problem. Do I hear a motion?

Mr. Kilmer: I would like to make a motion that we grant Shirley Tillinghast of 31 Orchard Street for an area variance of 6 foot 6 inches of the required 18 foot 6 inches for off-street parking space in the front yard.

Ms. Marteney: I second the motion.

VOTING IN FAVOR: Ms. Marteney, Mr. Kilmer, Mr. Tamburrino, Mr. Westlake

Mr. Westlake: Your application has been approved, good luck with your project.

Ms. Tillinghast: Thank you.

24 Swift Street. R1 Zoning district. Area variances for shed, Applicant: Gerald Ryan.

Mr. Westlake: 24 Swift Street. Would you please come to the podium speak clearing into the microphone and state your name and tell us what you would like to do.

Mr. Ryan: My name is Jerry Ryan of 24 Swift Street. I would like to have an over sized shed/undersized garage.

Mr. Westlake: Ok, is it one of those Amish type deals?

Mr. Ryan: Mennonite.

Mr. Westlake: They are very nice sheds I have one. Any questions from the board?

Mr. Tamburrino: The shed is on your property already right?

Mr. Ryan: Yes it is.

Mr. Kilmer: Jerry do have out buildings or sheds on the property right now other than this one?

Mr. Ryan: Yes I have the one that was there before that is too small. I plan to get rid of that but haven’t done it.

Mr. Fusco: If we condition our approval upon the old shed removal would that be a problem for you?

Mr. Ryan: Will not.

Mr. Fusco: Ok.

Mr. Westlake: Any other questions from the board?

Mr. Ryan: What would be the reason for that?

Mr. Fusco: We don’t want everybody in the world to have more than 1 shed or 2 sheds, 3 sheds. Yours is a unique situation you are candid and honest in your application we don’t want other people though to see the fact that you have 1 and are about to get another and people coming to us and saying you gave Jerry Ryan 2 I want 2.

Mr. Hicks: He would need 2 more variances if he were to have 2 sheds.

Mr. Westlake: When the time comes to make the motion it should be stated that the first shed goes that is up to the board.

Mr. Kilmer: What is the size of the old shed that you have?

Mr. Ryan: 10 x 12 and I moved that to the back corner to make room for the new shed just to keep until I got the new shed.

Mr. Westlake: But you would be agreeable to have that one removed.

Mr. Ryan: Yes.

Mr. Westlake: Is there any one here wishing to speak for or against? Seeing none we will discuss it amongst ourselves and let you know in a few minutes.

Mr. Tamburrino: I agree with counsel that he should remove the old shed as a condition because people will have sheds popping up everywhere.

Mr. Westlake: Do I hear a motion?

Mr. Tamburrino: I would like to make a motion that we grant Gerald Ryan of 24 Swift Street an area variance to install a 12 x 24 foot pre-built shed with the condition that the existing 10 x 12 foot shed is demolished and removed from the property.

Mr. Fusco: Mr. Ryan when can you do that by? When would you be able to remove the old shed?
Mr. Ryan: It doesn’t take me long to do anything.

Mr. Fusco: Set yourself a deadline and I will ask Rich to have a date certain in the motion.

Mr. Ryan: Within 2 weeks, no problem.

Mr. Fusco: August 1st, 2011 no problem?

Mr. Ryan: Ok.

Mr. Tamburrino: With the condition that he demolishes the existing 10 x 12 shed by August 1st, 2011.

Mr. Kilmer: I second the motion.

Mr. Westlake: There is 138 square feet over the allowed 150 square feet.

Mr. Tamburrino: And a variance of 138 square feet over the allowed 150 square feet for the placement of the accessory structure.

Mr. Kilmer: I second that motion.

VOTING IN FAVOR: Ms. Marteney, Mr. Kilmer, Mr. Tamburrino, Mr. Westlake

Mr. Westlake: Your application has been approved, good luck with your project.

Mr. Ryan: When I demolish the old shed do I let Codes know?

Mr. Westlake: I am sure they will drive by.

Mr. Ryan: Thank you very much.

295 Grant Avenue. C3 Zoning district. Area variances for signs. Applicant: AmeriCU Credit Union.

Mr. Westlake: Would you please come to the podium speak clearing into the microphone and state your name and tell us what you would like to do.

Mr. Brittner: My name is Michael Brittner and I represent Signs & Designs and this is Jeff Canarelli who is Manager of Facilities & Construction of AmeriCU Credit Union. We are here for additional signage for a complete AmeriCU corporate sign packet, which we have provided to you.

Mr. Tamburrino: Very nice.

Mr. Westlake: Signs are tough things.

Mr. Fusco: You say this is a standard package that comes with these credit unions. Is there an exemplar somewhere in our area that we can go look at? You are asking for a number of variances and I would like myself I don’t want to speak for the board but I wouldn’t mind going somewhere relatively close by to look at the examples of what it is the board is being asked to approve.

Mr. Canarelli: I have a package that is identical to this and I also know that Fayetteville right now is also in the process of reviewing the same package.

Mr. Fusco: Is Fayetteville erected?

Mr. Canarelli: No.

Mr. Fusco: Where is the one that is erected?

Mr. Brittner: Rt. 31 South Bay right adjacent to the Nice N Easy.
Mr. Tamburrino: I have one question – I will read it to you: “please explain how you will suffer a significant economic injury unless the area variance is granted” and you write “AmeriCU credit union has established a corporate sign package that allows for the best advertising results. The lack of proper signage may result in loss of existing and future customers”. Do you have any marketing studies to show this?

Mr. Canarelli: I don’t I am not a part of marketing and I would say we don’t have a marketing study.

Mr. Tamburrino: So this is an opinion you don’t have factual data that demonstrates this?

Mr. Canarelli: Not sure.

Mr. Westlake: I know what I would like to do but it is up to the board members is table this until next month because I am not comfortable without seeing what it looks and I would be willing to take a ride over there myself and take a loot at it.

Mr. Kilmer: You said the building in Cicero the signage is exactly the same as the one going up here on Grant Avenue?

Mr. Canarelli: The difference here is that in Cicero it is a straight on shot come in so we have a gable end sign that we are asking for there. On Grant Avenue we have traffic it has to do with traffic that is what marketing is looking at. The way that building is oriented we have signage that is most prominent which is on the Grant Avenue side for the drive thru and since we have the other roads that are connected coming into Wal-Mart we want to be able to have people see the sign coming down Grant Avenue and going up Grant Avenue because we have the gable signs the 2 other gable signs it is giving the people the ability to see our building from 3 sides.

Mr. Kilmer: So the structure is oriented differently?

Mr. Canarelli: Yes. If what we have in Cicero were similar to Grant Avenue we would be asking for the same thing in Cicero.

Mr. Fusco: You do understand we want to treat everybody equally and almost within a stone’s throw of you is another credit union that faces basically 3 streets as well Prospect, Brookside and Grant. I want the board to be sensitive to not giving you something that somebody within 250 yards may not have. It is a similar situation where that credit union is visible from 3 different streets. I don’t know if they applied for a signage package or not, I believe in treating everyone equally.

Mr. Westlake: I guess what we are trying to say if we grant it to you they will be here shortly to get the same signage as you. It is up to the board members what they would like to do.

Mr. Tamburrino: We need to make an informed decision so we should go and look at it and do a comparison.

Mr. Fusco: One possibility would be for you to table and see Cicero you want to compare it with the Prospect, Brookside and Grant situation. We do have another credit union about to be erected on S. Seward but that is only going to be visible from 1 street but obviously that is in the same neighborhood that is something that you are going perhaps want to consider or not consider. I understand your point you are really on an island surrounded by roads on all 4 sides. You choose that location we didn’t. Does that merit extra signage to advertise or market to people due to the fact that you are surrounded on 4 sides or not I don’t know that is the board’s decision but I just want them to be aware of what it is your asking and the fact that there are people similarly situated in the neighborhood that may or may not have what you want. I personally would want to look at it myself.

Mr. Westlake: One more thing, there are 4 of us here tonight all 4 of us have to vote yes if one of us votes no tonight you can’t come back. Normally it is a 7 member board tonight there are only 4 of the 7, 3 are missing that is something to think about before you either table it or that is your decision, if one of us decides to vote no tonight then it is a done deal.

Ms. Marteney: #4 and #5 are handicap signs, #6 is Do Not Enter doesn’t have a logo on it

Mr. Canarelli: Some of these have already been approved, the only ones we are here for a variance are the 3 gable ends and monument sign and 2 doors to be lettered.

Ms. Marteney: Right and that is why we are saying that they are on here but not part of the deal. There are things marked there that aren’t sign signs.

Mr. Westlake: #1 is one gable wall mounted on the north #2 is one gable wall mounted on the south

Ms. Marteney: If you are looking at the site those on the site plan other required types of signs handicap parking space and that sort of thing so it is kind of confusing in that respect.

Mr. Canarelli: These are pertinent to the package that you may consider which will help us make a decision as well.

Mr. Tamburrino: Personally the ones on the door I could care less that is #4 two door signs north side

Ms. Marteney: And it shows that it is just their logo on the door.

Mr. Tamburrino: The 1 LED sign at the entrance ground sign is that going to be brick?

Ms. Marteney: Where is that?

Mr. Hicks: #1 on your site plan, #3 for your variance.

Ms. Marteney: Ok.

Mr. Westlake: That is what is confusing to me.

Mr. Hicks: Plot Plan is done by the design manufacturer and the variances are by the City.

Ms. Marteney: I agree you need something on your door this is the door to come in.

Mr. Canarelli: We had approval for whatever 2 signs we wanted to choose. We have already started building the monument sign and the gable ends for the drive thru.

Ms. Marteney: When you say the monument that is the LED sign?

Mr. Canarelli: That is correct.

Ms. Marteney: So #3 and #1 are the same thing?

Mr. Canarelli: Yes. Basically what we are asking is having the LED in addition to the monument sign and also could we possibly have 2 more gable ends with AmeriCU because as it was mentioned it is an island area with traffic all the way around it.

Mr. Westlake: Aren’t you in the Grant Avenue Plaza?

Mr. Canarelli: Yes we are moving out of there.

Mr. Westlake: You have one sign in the front there.

Mr. Tamburrino: I understand now the LED sign is in addition to the monument sign.

Mr. Westlake: If I am reading this right you are asking for one gable wall mounted unit on the north side, one gable wall mounted unit on the south side, one LED sign at the entrance ground sign, one door logo I agree it doesn’t bother me a bit and two door signs on the north side on the doors so really not hurting anybody but you are allowed only so much signage. I suppose the only thing really that they are asking for extra are the two gable end signs and some people only have one. They do have an LED sign on the corner of Brookside and Prospect as you drive up this is the Auburn Federal Credit Union. If you drive up Brookside Drive and look straight ahead they have an LED sign on the front of their building. So you are not asking for a whole lot more than they have at the Auburn Federal Credit Union. If we are voting on this tonight I will ask is there anyone here wishing to speak for or against this application? Seeing none we will discuss this amongst ourselves and let you know in a couple minutes.

Ms. Marteney: What will be on the LED sign?

Mr. Canarelli: Time and temperature, CD rates, variables and if you determine that we keep that message on there for a certain amount of time before we change it, we will change it. It is a very simple text LED unit not complicated, don’t show moves, don’t scroll, a simple text message to let the public know what we have.

Mr. Westlake: Let me ask you a question this is a 7 member board there are only 4 of us here tonight do you want to go ahead with your application tonight? It is up to you?

Mr. Canarelli: Issue right now is we are moving fairly quickly on the building and will be done by the end of July. August 30th is when we are hoping to have some signage. We would have to know exactly what we could put up to at least open the building.

Mr. Westlake: If we vote on this application tonight all 4 of us have to vote yes. Are you comfortable?

Ms. Marteney: Where is the other sign, I am trying to figure out these signs. Are you talking about the other folks or these guys?

Mr. Westlake: Corporation Counsel said that he didn’t want us to grant something to this credit union that the other credit union doesn’t have. Only difference is this extra gable sign. Their building sits north and south and the other credit union is east and west. They are asking for 2 gable signs where the other has one gable sign. If you turn onto Prospect you can look down in there and tell it is a credit union. If you are comfortable with it we can go ahead. Are you comfortable?

Mr. Canarelli: We could go with 2 gable signs we don’t have to have the 3 and 3, but we do have 3 gables available to put them on.

Mr. Fusco: There are only 2 gable signs in the plan, north and south.

Ms. Marteney: That is one of the two that they already selected.

Mr. Kilmer: Would this monument sign be sitting on a brick foundation that it is on now if it weren’t LED?

Mr. Canarelli: Same thing, Cicero has exactly the same sign, brick sign.

Mr. Fusco: The LED is on the monument.

Mr. Canarelli: Something similar to that.

Mr. Marteney: They are not putting any kind of pylon sign either.

Mr. Canarelli: No. That is why we went with the gable signs.

Mr. Tamburrino: I agree with you pylon signs are not aesthetically pleasing. This building isn’t so bad.

Ms. Marteney: This is a nice looking building.

Mr. Tamburrino: It is a commercial building. Counsel said we may be setting precedence.

Mr. Westlake: Each individual case but they could come back on us in an Article 78 and say you did this and he would have to argue the case. I do think we have discussed it amongst ourselves pretty we so if you are comfortable moving forward with this it is fine with me. But there are only 4 of us here. No one here to speak for or against, all neighbors are notified.

Mr. Tamburrino: I would like to make a motion that we grant AmeriCU Credit Union of 295 Grant Avenue six (6) area variances for the placement of 9 signs on the property and structure: 1) one gable wall mounted unit north drawing A1.1, 2) one gable wall mounted unit south drawing Al.3, 3) one LED sign at entrance-ground sign drawing A1. – 2 signs, 4) one logo door sign to the south drawing A1.2, 5) two door signs to the north side drawing A1.1.

Mr. Westlake: Before we have a second. #3 it says one LED sign at the entrance ground sign drawing Al.4 – 2 signs. What does that mean?

Mr. Canarelli: Both sides.

Mr. Westlake: Ok.

Ms. Marteney: I second the motion

VOTING IN FAVOR: Ms. Marteney, Mr. Kilmer, Mr. Tamburrino, Mr. Westlake

Mr. Westlake: Your application has been approved, good luck with your project. Please don’t come back for any more. (Everyone laughs).

Mr. Canarelli: Thank you.

110 Clymer Street. Area variance for storage shed. Applicants: Robert and Toni Considine.

Mr. Westlake: Ok, we have kept this poor gentleman sitting here all night long on a technicality really. So 110 Clymer Street. What we did last month apparently we put down because the person read it so it was put in the minutes but in reality you need 386 square feet for your variance for the existing shed. It is just logistics that we do this so can we amend the minutes?

Mr. Fusco: Make a new motion you can’t amend because the person who actually made the motion is not here. We will ask for a new motion with the correct number 386 instead of the 142 square feet.

Mr. Westlake: Whoever makes the motion make sure you say an area variance of 386 square feet of the allowed 150 square feet. Do I hear a motion?

Ms. Marteney: I would like to make a motion that we grant Robert Considine of 110 Clymer Street an area variance for a second shed of 386 square feet of the allowed 150 square feet which includes the existing shed of 144 square feet plus the new shed of 392 square feet for a total of 536 square feet of shed.

Mr. Westlake: And we just told the other guy to tear his shed down.

Ms. Marteney: I know.

Mr. Kilmer: I second the motion.

VOTING IN FAVOR: Ms. Marteney, Mr. Kilmer, Mr. Tamburrino, Mr. Westlake

Mr. Westlake: Thank you for you patience.

Mr. Considine: I am taking the other shed down.

Mr. Westlake: You are? Why didn’t you say that?

Mr. Considine: At the last meeting it said I had to take it down.

Mr. Westlake: That is even better. Thank you very much.